
Better Cities

Community Builder. Infrastructure Nerd. Urban Innovator.

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Our cities are facing difficult challenges, from climate change to population growth. How we (re)develop infrastructure systems can provide economic, social, and environmental solutions. Working on these solutions is the crux of my work.

Driven by my passion for building and strengthening communities, I empower teams to thoughtfully deliver innovative and sustainable solutions for building transportation, water, sanitation, energy, and civic infrastructure projects. For the past ten years, I’ve studied and worked on infrastructure delivery, from planning through operations/maintenance. In doing so, my work has identified and evaluated the use of innovative contracting and financing strategies for infrastructure projects in different contexts. This is especially important as governments struggle to provide services and are eager to try new strategies.

Drawing from project experience in Argentina, Uganda, Mexico, China, and Nicaragua, I bring an entrepreneurial spirit to these challenges. As a result, I’ve been recognized globally and invited to be a participant in the UN's 2018 Innovation Lab.

PhD, Civil Engineering
MA, International Policy