Building Innovative Cities


Cycles of growth and decline in cities worldwide highlight the necessity to move away from dependence on any single industry. This involves scouting, assessing, and attracting businesses and talent that bolster economic resilience. This might mean introducing vertical farms in food deserts to provide year-round access to fresh produce. It could involve strengthening urban fiber networks by establishing a data center or carrier hotel, thus ensuring robust internet services. Alternatively, it might entail investing in community-scale energy systems to reduce dependence on utilities and improve the reliability of energy networks. Or it could involve creating tech incubators to foster entrepreneurial growth and spur innovation.

Through my work, I’ve been able to strengthen local economies by identifying, evaluating and building strategic partnerships. The Detroit Smart Parking Lab is just one example of how my involvement in establishing this unique public-private partnership has attracted new technologies to the rust belt, introducing innovations that have been adopted in the real estate and mobility industries. Through numerous other partnerships, I’ve helped establish new markets and opportunities that enhance urban economic vibrancy.